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Throughout the conference all the panels will take place in Teras Room 3, and all the Tea & Coffee breaks in Teras Room 2, Main Arts Building, Bangor University, Bangor LL57 2DG.


11.00-11.30 Registration and Welcome in Main Arts Foyer (Tea & Coffee available)

Colonialism and its Discontents

  • Sophia Azeb (New York University): ‘Comic Colonialism: The X-Men and the Question of Palestine’
  • Armelle Blin-Rolland (Bangor University): ‘‘‘Bretagne = colonie’’: Breton Autonomism in Comics’
  • Muhib Nabulsi (University of Queensland, Australia): ‘Contesting the Collective Memory of Algeria in Morvandiau’s D’Algérie
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.15 ASMCF keynote: Professor Charles Forsdick (University of Liverpool): ‘Haiti and/in Comics’
15.15-15.45 Tea & Coffee

Reconstructing and Contesting Memory

  • David Miranda-Barreiro (Bangor University): ‘Remembering Galician Intellectuals in Banda Deseñada
  • Lise Tannahill (University of Glasgow): ‘Aléria 1975: Political Memory and Local Identities in bande dessinée
  • William Grady (University of Dundee): ‘Cowboys and Cola: Lucky Luke, Coca-Cola, and the Problem with America in Post-War Europe’
19.00 onwards Conference Dinner (Management Centre, Bangor University, College Road, LL57 2DG)


9.00-11.00 Representations of the Past and the Present
  • Tobias J. Yu-Kiener (University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martins): ‘The Louvre, Robespierre and David’
  • Edward Shannon (Ramapo College of New Jersey): ‘Woody Guthrie, Charles Schulz, and America under Communism’
  • Gareth Wood (University College London): ‘When a Spaniard’s Home Isn’t Home Anymore: Repossessions through the Graphic Novel Aquí vivió by Isaac Rosa and Cristina Bueno’
  • Claire Launchbury (The Institute of Modern Languages Research, London): ‘Graphic Beirut’
11.00-11.30 Tea & Coffee

Language, Identity & the Nation

  • Peter V. Davies (University of Glasgow): ‘A Picard Comic-Strip in the 1950s: Jacques Croédur i voéyage
  • Alice Vernon (Aberystwyth University): ‘Graphic Wales: Exploring Landscape, Language and Identity in Carol Swain’s Gast
  • Guillem Colom-Montero (Bangor University): ‘Transnational Tourism, Language and National Dissent in the Majorcan Comic Els darrers dies de l’Imperi Mallorquí (2014)’
13.00-14.00 Lunch

Transnational Identities

  • Edward King (University of Bristol): ‘Transnationalism and (Dis)Connection in Graphic Novels from Brazil’
  • Paul Humphrey (Monmouth University): ‘“Yo soy Groot”: Tracing the Afro-Caribbean Roots of Transnational Superheroes’

Conclusion and closing of conference

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